Friday, November 20, 2009

Iliad (Achilles a formidable king and warrior)

CN# 32
Rellesor Sta. Maria
4 Kowalski

After being pushed back by the Trojans, the Achaeans sat brokenhearted in their camp, thinking of a way to win. King Agamemnon, troubled with the outcome of the war, declared it as a failure. When Nestor suggested a reconciliation with Achilles. King Agamemnon was enligthened with the idea. King Agamemnon offered a stockpile of gifts to Achilles for him to return to the battle. King Agamemnon sent some of the Achaeans best men to Achilles to convince him to return in battle, but Achilles rejected the for he had a grudge against King Agamemnon.

Achilles was a great warrior standing firm and rejecting Agamemnon's offer. He was a warrior with pride and dignity. He was an exceptional warrior and king. Eventhough he had the marks of a great warrior, his deep-rooted weakness serves as his weakness in battle. Achilles was unable to act with nobility and integrity. He would abandon his comrades and even pray for them to be defeated all because of an arguement with his commander. Leaving for the sake of your life and risk the lives of others is not a right thing for a king to do in battle. A king should always think of his people instead of himself.


1 comment:

  1. Score: 10
    Your thoughts are well-organized. However, take care to post your textual references also. Keep it up!

    Sir Migs
